About the Award

landis rae dan

Rae and Dan Landis (ca. 1983)

Rae and Dr. Dan Landis Outstanding Dissertation Award


The mission of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) is to promote and facilitate intercultural research in the areas of psychology, communications, education, management, and other specializations in social sciences that are related to cross cultural studies.  The Academy encourages high quality intercultural research at the doctoral level, which is conventionally the starting point in academia.  The Rae and Dr. Dan Landis Outstanding Dissertation Award is intended to recognize and honor outstanding scholarly achievement by aspiring intercultural researchers.  Support for the award is provided by the Academy.


US $1,000.00, one-year membership in IAIR and free registration at the IAIR Biennial Conference when the prize is conferred.  The winner will be asked to give a presentation of his or her research at the Conference in Philadelphia, July 2023.

Outstanding Dissertation Award Fund